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Information and its use:

When purchasing our products and services, or simply signing up for our e-mail newsletter, you are required to enter personal details which may include:

  • Your name

  • Email address

  • Postal address

  • Phone numbers

  • Debit or credit card details

We collect the information from you in order to:

  • Provide complete access to our website

  • Register as an authorized user on our website

  • Inform you about all the latest products, deals and other information relevant to you. All information will be delivered by e-mail.

  • Track your activity on our site. We may use this information in order to conduct our market research that will help us to deliver a customized service to our users. Our tracking activities do not have any impact on your surfing experience on our website and these activities are completely safe.

  • Stop users from posting content that is inappropriate, offensive or objectionable.

You can choose not to provide certain information, but in so choosing you may not be able to take advantage of many of our features. We use the information that you provide for such purposes as responding to your requests, customizing future experiences for you, improving our operations, and communicating with you.

You can visit our website, read materials, and browse the website’s contents without giving us any personally identifiable information.

Contact Terms:

Email: We reserve the rights to send emails to those who signed up on our website or posted any query. We will never spam you. If you are interested in not receiving any email from us, you can always unsubscribe us. All the emails are sent by our company and we don’t share your personal details with third party sites. You may unsubscribe to any of our online e-mail updates by following the unsubscribe instructions in the body of any e-mail message. We will take commercially reasonable steps to implement your opt-out requests promptly; but you may still receive promotional information from us for up to 21 days.

EU Residents: 

GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION If you are in the European Union (EU), you have specific rights under the General Data Protection Regulation. If you choose to provide us with information, you may ask us at any time to delete the information, with which we will comply in a reasonably timely manner if we have not independently chosen to delete the same information prior to your request. In either case, you will be advised accordingly. You may request a copy of any computer file compiling your information, to the extent we have collected it, and such file will be provided to you in a commercially reasonable period, if it has not been previously deleted, as noted above. You may ask us not to process your data, or to share it with any entities that would do so. Please note, however, that there is no known sharing of any data by our company with third parties, and outside of the unlikely possibility of subpoena, other court order, or legally compliant government investigation, no desire to do so. If you have consented to the processing of your personal data, you may withdraw that consent at any time – though please note that processing that had occurred prior to such withdrawal would remain legal in retrospect. The information that is asked from you is intended only to fulfill the requirements to form a contract, and no additional information gathering, or processing will be required than must be for that purpose. If you believe that our company has failed to adhere to your rights under the GDPR, you are entitled to file a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority. Our company does not, to the extent that the term can be reasonably understood, engage in large-scale data collection or processing, and so does not have an appointed specialist Data Protection Officer or employ any representative physically located in the EU and designated as the point of contact for the EU government on these matters.


We reserve the right to terminate or cancel your account we notice any inappropriate behavior or breach to our terms or privacy policy.

Any questions about these terms may be directed through email to the support team of this website.

Privacy Policy

EU residents: by filling out forms on this site, you understand and agree that Eileen David Creations has and can use the information gathered from it for its own business purposes only; you may request that Eileen David Creations delete your information at any time from our systems, per the GDPR. Please see the Privacy Policy for additional details.

© 2022 by Eileen David Creations. Proudly created with

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